Our values

1. No wasteful production

All linaliva* branded items follow this simple rule: they are made to order. We produce as much as we sell so there is zero waste and we reduce our carbon footprint. We have no stock and nothing is thrown away when our collection changes. As simple as that.

*Click here to find out more about the other brands offered in our shop.

2. Climate-neutral shipping for all orders 🌱

It doesn't matter how big or small your order is, we automatically calculate the exact cost of offsetting each order's carbon emissions and fund verified sustainability projects, at no additional cost to you. This applies to all orders of all brands in our shop and is non-negotiable :)

3. Shortest possible shipping distance and time

We have shops with quality apparel manufacturing facilities in several different locations. We always try to produce locally according to buyer's location. Every time we receive an order, we do our best to manufacture your item at the facility closest to you. Our items can be manufactured in Europe (UK, Spain, Latvia, Greece, France, Germany), North America (USA, Mexico, Canada), and East Asia (Australia, Hong Kong, Vietnam). At linaliva.de, the items are mostly shipped from Europe (for purchases outside of Europe, we recommend visiting linaliva.com ).

All of our partners are completely trustworthy, use carefully curated raw materials and produce great results.

Some complex products (mainly: sneakers, bags and button-down clothes) can only be manufactured in certain specialized facilities (UK, USA, Vietnam, Hong Kong). Nevertheless, we guarantee fast and, above all, climate-neutral shipping.

4. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes!

We try to offer as many products as possible in a wide range of sizes, from XXXS to XXXL. Your body is beautiful and we want you to feel that way by choosing what to wear.

5. Clothing has no gender

We are proud members/supporters of the LGBTQIA+ family and do not believe that clothing should be gender specific. We have a variety of products that fit the beautiful, wide range of identities and shapes between cis male and female born bodies. Few articles have gendered language, such as B. shoes, but the vast majority do not. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our collection and make it more inclusive, please send us a message!

6. No "Collections"; reduce consumption

Our clothes are not separated into collections. Everything designed in 2022 will be available at least until the end of 2022: that's it. We don't believe in seasonal shopping and constantly creating new fads to make people shop more and more to stay "in fashion" and keep up to date with the latest trends. Our goal is to make our clothes both interesting and timeless, so you can wear them and look cool regardless of the current trend.

7. Profit < Affordability

Every business depends on its income/profit and of course we are no exception. Still, we try to keep our prices as affordable as possible as an eco-friendly brand without resorting to mass production and lower quality standards to achieve lower prices. The more people who can buy it, the bigger the change we can make. The only way to really do this is to keep a low profit margin. When we receive production discounts, we typically pass them on to our end users.

8. A commitment to continuous improvement

From packaging to shipping to offering as wide variety of items as possible, we will always try to find better solutions to become a better brand. This may be time consuming, but it is our passion. Everyone should aim to be the best version of themselves.

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